Sunday, November 8, 2015

#10 from 21 Before 21: Try something new

For item #10 on my list: try something new, I decided to go Apple Picking! Our Campus Activities Board (CAB) planned a trip to Linvilla Orchards and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to cross it off my list.

I invited my girl friends to go with me but they made comments about it being similar to farming and didn't understand why they had to pay to farm, etc so initially I had planned to go alone but then one of my friends, Oshoze, decided to come along and was pretty excited to come since she said she never did anything particularly interesting as a child and we were both in the same boat cause all I knew growing up was school, home, church, and more school!

On our way to Linvilla Orchards, a friend of mine called me to seek my help about nonprofits in the US versus nonprofits in Ghana/Nigeria and when I told her I was going apple picking she said something that made me really happy. I wish I can recall word for word what she said but it was something along the lines of how I was managing to do all these things including school, work, extracurriculars, etc and she said, "At least you're living - so I'm happy about that." I suppose you can say that touched me cause one of the main reasons why I started this #21ThingsBefore21 was because I am always doing a million and one things and I never really take time for myself and the only way I know how is to take some "me time" and the only way I could successfully do that is if I created an actual list of things to do!

Okay, back to the story:

Initially I thought Linvilla Orchards was this far place that would at least one hour but in less than 30 minutes from Drexel, we were there!

Oshoze and I were pumped and we could not wait to pick some good apples! The first thing we did was a Corn Maze - which was pretty easy to get through. We looked at the corn and it was the kind you can only get from a proper grocery store or directly from a farm. Not like the white tiny ones most supermarkets like Fresh Grocer sell *insert moon face here*. At one point Oshoze and I joked about "taking" some of the corn back home but we didn't have a bag big enough to properly hide our little produce.

Walking from the Corn Maze, we saw a pit full of Apples that looked really good to us but people thought otherwise. The pit was full of apples from a game they had there called "Apple Slingshot" and they sold a bucket of apples for $5 and you were free to use them as slingshots. Oshoze and I were in shock! See fine apples these people were using as slingshots sake of game! We only hoped the apples were actually rotten on the inside and just looked really nice on the outside.

After the Corn Maze we went to the Straw Maze and we were gingered to try it! We thought it would be as easy as the Corn Maze but you should have seen us: struggling and walking through the bales of hay to solve this crazy maze. We spent longer than we thought in that maze but it was really fun just walking through the different paths and it really taught me a lesson of how deadly it can be when one arrives at a hasty conclusion just by using prior knowledge to solve a totally different situation.

Next up was the Apple Picking! YAYYYY! We went to the other side of the road to catch a hay ride and the land was so massive! After we arrived at the "Apple farmland", Oshoze and I spent several minutes walking up and down rows and rows of different kinds of apples and plucking them from the tree and tasting it. It sort of reminded me of the Garden of Eden in its massiveness and overwhelming array of apples available.  Generally, most people can name two or three types of apples but I found out there were so many different ones!

Here is a concise list of the ones I'm most familiar with: Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Mutsu, Fuji, Honeycrisp, Pink Lady, Gala, Jonagold. If you're interested see the full list here: History of Apple.

We spent several minutes picking the apples and caught the hay ride back to the front in order to pay for our new apples! When it was time for me to pay for my apples the shop attendant accidentally flipped my bucket of apples over and most of them landed on the floor! I was low-key really sad but I still ended up with some pretty good apples! We then went to one of the shops and we bought Chocolate Pizzelles and my favorite, Kettle Corn! Overall, it was a really really good experience and I highly recommend it to everyone if you have a few hours to spare.

After all, you really only live once and you can be busy all you want but God really wants us to enjoy life - not caved up in our own little world. Please see below for a few pictures from my little adventure.


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