Friday, September 4, 2015

Buttermilk Biscuits

  • 1 1/4 C. Cake Flour
  • 3/4 C. All-purpose Flour
  • 1 1/2 Tsp. Baking Powder 
  • 1/2 Tsp. Baking Soda
  • 1/2 Tsp. Salt
  • 1/4 C. Butter
  • 3/4 C. Buttermilk


1. Preheat oven to 500 degrees.

2. Prepare ingredients: Cut butter into small chunks, place in a bowl and return to fridge. Measure out buttermilk and set aside. Sprinkle flour on a work surface and have extra flour nearby for your hands and biscuit cutter. Have biscuit cutter and an ungreased baking sheet handy.

3. In a medium-large bowl, mix together flours, baking powder, baking soda and salt until very well blended. Add butter and cut into flour using your fingertips until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Pour in buttermilk and stir lightly until dough comes together in a ball.

4. Dump dough mixture out onto floured work surface. With floured hands, lightly knead dough a few times until it is fairly well blended. Pat out into a circle, about 3/4 - 1 inch thick. 

5. Dip cutter into flour and cut biscuits. Form any dough scraps into an extra biscuit instead of re-rolling the dough.

6. Place cut biscuits together on the baking sheet so that the sides are touching. Brush tops with melted butter, if desired.

7. Place baking sheet in the middle of a preheated 500 degree oven and bake for 8-10 minutes or until they are golden brown. 

8. Remove biscuits to a wire rack to cool for a few minutes.

NOTE: Recipe adapted from "Lick The Bowl Good."

More buttermilk biscuit images here: "Healthy" Breakfast

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